Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Choose Your Own Adventure of our times

Is today the day?

Do they do it?

Do they pass it?

While Stephan Harper sits pretty with radically right wing mullahs, opposing those evil doing ho-mo-saxualles from getting married or even celebrating their sin in downtown Toronto parades, the rest of the Canada prepares to be remembered proudly and become a smile on the face of history as opposed to a shitstain on history's pimpled ass.

Today, the government of Canada is supposed to pass legislation making same sex marriage legal. Making it enshrined in our sacredest of sacred places - the law.

Will they do it? Will they manage to stand strong? Will they lead Canada to become one of only 3 nations in the WORLD to legalise same sex marriage (behind Belgium and the Netherlands)??

Or will they fall prey to the heterosexist charms of the big of nose and double of chin that is Stephan Harper?

Only time will tell.

Stay turned for further bulletins as events warrant.

CBC, 9:30AM